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For Dog Obedience Training, Start With The Basics!
By John Foley
It's important when you get a new puppy to start your dog obedience training as soon as she is old enough to interact with other people and the family; usually this means about eight weeks of age. Read more...


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Dog Training: Teaching Your Dog Obedience
By Alex de la Cruz
Perhaps obedience is the most important thing that any pet should render to its master. Dog obedience is a great thing to have. Having a defiant dog can create a lot of stress and problems for the Read more...

Dog Training Book - Why Buy One? When Everything Is Free Online!
By Moses Chia
I’m a dog lover who believes that every dog owners should train their dogs if they truly love and care for them. Because I believe that dog training gives dogs a happier and healthier life. Not to Read more...


Golden Retriever Training Tips - Bad Dog Behavior
By Susanne Trainor
Golden Retriever Training Tips – Tip # 1Is There Hope for my Golden Retriever? By Susanne Trainor“Sunny is a sweet dog… He’s just a little naughty.” Read more...

Become A Dog Trainer - Obedience Training Dogs - 10 Mistakes You Should Know
By Benjamin Rivers
If you want to become a dog trainer at home, please understand that dogs and puppies learn through your positive actions which are supported with verbal commands. #1) Don’t Read more...

Dog Aggression Training: Take Control!
By Allen McDaniel
Dogs are an instinctively aggressive animal. In nature, aggression would be extremely handy for dogs. Dogs must have aggression to hunt, to defend their food, to acquire a mate, etc... Read more...

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Dog Training Part V: The Command Voice
By Hagar Lagarto

Today, on I am bringing some more updated graphic related to the dog training

Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

When giving commands to a dog, a calm, firm, authoritative voice is most effective. Dogs do not respond well to hesitant, pleading voices, nor to yelling, which might sound to the dog like threatening barking or scolding. It is also important that the word used for the command and the pitch of the voice be consistent each time the command is delivered so that the dog can more easily learn what the owner means (siiiiiiiiiiiit does not sound the same as sit, for example).

Using the puppy's name before a command ensures that the dog knows that a command is coming, that it is for him (rather than for other dogs, children, or people), and that he should pay attention. This is important because dogs hear a lot of human speech that has no relevance for them at all, and it is easy for them to disregard commands amongst the babble.

To reinforce the command, the dog always gets some kind of reward or reinforcement (praise and usually a treat or toy) when it performs the action correctly. This helps the dog to understand that he has done a good thing.

Note that not all dogs are trained to voice command. Many working breeds of dog are not trained to a voice command at all; they are taught to obey a combination of whistles and hand signals. Deaf dogs are perfectly capable of learning to obey visual signals alone. Many obedience classes teach hand signals for common commands in addition to voice signals; these signals can be useful in quiet situations, at a distance, and in advanced obedience competitions.

The specific command words are not important, although common words in English include sit, down, come, and stay. Short, clear words that are easily understood by other humans are generally recommended; that way, people will understand what a handler is telling his dog to do and other handlers have a good chance of controlling someone else's dog if necessary. In fact, dogs can learn commands in any language or other communications medium, including whistles, mouth sounds, hand gestures, and so forth.
Hagar lagarto is a long time Pet lover with many articles and websites on the subject.You can get much more info at pet.freehostia.com

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to dog training that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our Dog Training Flyball website.

Secrets To Training A Dog To Fetch
By topia29
When you wake up in the morning, and sit outside to drink your morning coffee. You will notice that your dog is in play mode chewing at a ball; or whatever your dog is interested in. You notice that Read more...

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