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Dog Obedience Training Is Necessary
By RaBuford
Obedience Training is a very important excersize for both you and your pet. It not only gives the pet owner peace of mind, but also helps to establish a strong bond between you and your Read more...


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Dog Training Collar Helps Modify Behaviors
By Roland Parris Jefferson III
A dog’s behavior can be modified by many methods, but the three tools most often used are a dog training collar. They are most often used for barking, confinement or general behavior and each dog Read more...

The Ultimate Guide To Dog Training
By Brad Collins
We've continually had dogs around ever since I was a child, and even when our household was "between dogs" I adopted next door's Boxer dog as my own. Despite this, as a family we didn�t have a clue Read more...


Is Your Dog Barking Too Loud? Why Not Use A Dog Training Collar
By Thierry Babineaux
Everybody loves their dog, but sometimes you just don’t feel in the mood for listening to your sweet pet’s barking. The big problem is that you want to keep him quiet without using violence and you Read more...

Tips For House Training Your Dog
By Neil Teasdale
The first thing you must have when attempting to house train your dog is "patience." Keep in mind that when we were young, we too had to learn where and when we could go. Bad news is, we don't have Read more...

Dog Training Tips
By Jack Russell
Considered “man's best friend,” dog training professionals have been disseminating more knowledge on how to make this animal live up to that title.Here are tips that one should Read more...

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The Three Basics Of Basic Dog Training
By Roland Parris Jefferson III

Today, on I am bringing some more updated graphic related to the dog training

Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

First of all, believing that your dog can be trained is one of the biggest hurdles a dog owner will face. Once you have accepted this challenge then the basics of can begin. Your new puppy, dog or older dog can be trained by either an obedience instructor or yourself. There are many good books on dog obedience, so researching and finding one that suits you and your dog's needs can be very beneficial. It is also less expensive than hiring a trainer to teach your dog the basic training commands.

Three Basic Commands

There are simple and basic commands in basic dog training. These three commands are: sit, stay and come. To teach your dog to sit, you will need some dog treats. Dogs respond to their training much more willingly when treats are used as rewards. Your 'sit' training needs to be done in a quiet area where your dog cannot get distracted. Hold the treat over his head and tell him to sit. Repeat this over and over as consistency is the key in basic dog training. Your dog will look up and may sit on his own to reach the treat. If he doesn't react on his own, then gently push his bottom down. Every time he sits, be sure and reward him with the treat and praise him. This training will work because the dog will hear "sit" and associate it with sitting and receiving rewards.

The next basic of dog training, is teaching your dog to stay. This is usually the most difficult command to teach. This basic command should be combined with the come command. Put your dog in an area with no directions. Start backing away from your dog while constantly telling him to stay. Always keep eye contact with your dog. If he gets up, tell him "no" and then start the process again. It takes a lot of patience with basic dog training. Once this process has been achieved, then turn your back and begin walking away. Your dog will naturally get up and follow you, so again say "no" and start the process over again by tell your dog to stay as you walk away from him. After your dog has mastered this part of the basic dog training, then you can tell him to come. Use a happy voice and pat your knee as you say "come." Your dog should respond to this command right away and you should reward him with a treat and praise.

Remember to always use praise and not punishment when using basic dog training. Dogs always respond better to positive reinforcement. Don't forget that patience and consistency will reward you in the end, as your dog will have mastered basic and the both of you will live happily ever after.
Roland Parris Jefferson III is a web publisher residing in Santa Monica, California. Looking for more information and current articles on Dog Training? Then please visit our Hunting Dog Training Resource.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to dog training that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our Tips On Dog Training website.

6 Easy Ways To Find A Good Dog Training Professional
By traveller
Finding a good dog training professionalWith so many people advertising in the field of professional dog training today, trying to determine who's truly qualified to look after your dog can be Read more...

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