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Free Dog Training Tip
By Samantha Matheny
All dogs have their favorite treats and cuddles. Some dogs will do back flips for a dried liver snippet; other dogs just are not big eaters and prefer to be rewarded with their favorite toy, or Read more...


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Choosing The Right Dog Training Lead For Your Pet
By Roland Parris Jefferson III
When a new dog is brought home for the first time, the pet is usually greeted with all the comforts that will make up their new home. In addition to new food dishes and shiny toys, there’s usually a Read more...

Dog Training: What Is Dog Training?
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The term “dog training” can mean many different things – this is an important fact to remember when deciding what exactly you need to do with your dog. First, there is "behavior Read more...


Parenting Lessons Learned From Dog Training
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To some people it may seem ridiculous to compare training dogs to raising children. But, I’ve actually come to see many similarities between successful dog training and effective parenting. I started Read more...

How To Choose A Good Obedience School For Your Dog
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5 Ways To Stop Dog Aggression, Aggressive Dog Training Exposed
By J. Walden
All dogs need basic dog obedience training. They, like young children, must learn manners. Some dogs bark all of the time, while others show aggressive dog behavior. So, don't have an anxiety attack Read more...

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Dog Training Part Iii - Communicating With The Dog
By Hagar Lagarto

Today, on I am bringing some more updated graphic related to the dog training

Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

Fundamentally, is about communication. From the human perspective the handler is communicating to the dog what behaviors are correct, desired, or preferred in what circumstances. From the canine perspective the handler must communicate what behaviors will give the dog the most satisfaction to his natural instincts and emotions. Without that inner satisfaction a dog will not work well.

A successful handler must also understand the communication that the dog sends to the handler. The dog can signal that he is unsure, confused, nervous, happy, excited, and so on. The emotional state of the dog is an important consideration in directing the training, as a dog that is stressed or distracted will not learn efficiently.

According to Learning Theory there are a four important messages that the handler can send the dog:

Reward or release marker
Correct behavior. You have earned a reward. For example, "Free" followed by a reward.

Correct behavior. Continue and you will earn a reward. For example, "Good".

No reward marker
Incorrect behavior. Try something else. For example, "Uh-uh" or "Try again".

Punishment marker
Incorrect behavior. You have earned punishment. For example, "No".

Using consistent signals or words for these messages enables the dog to understand them more quickly. If the handler sometimes says "good" as a reward marker and sometimes as a bridge, it is difficult for the dog to know when he has earned a reward.

Rewards can be treats, play, praise, or anything that the dog finds rewarding. Failure to reward after the reward marker diminishes the value of the reward marker and makes training more difficult.

These four messages do not have to be communicated with words, and nonverbal signals are often used. In particular, mechanical clickers are frequently used for the reward marker. Hand signals and body language also play an important part in learning for dogs.

Dogs usually do not generalize commands easily; that is, a dog who has learned a command in a particular location and situation may not immediately recognize the command to other situations. A dog who knows how to "down" in the living room may suffer genuine confusion if asked to "down" at the park or in the car. The command will need to be retaught in each new situation. This is sometimes called "cross-contextualization," meaning the dog has to apply what's been learned to many different contexts.

Next: part IV - Reward and punishment
Hagar lagarto is a long time Pet lover with many articles and websites on the subject.You can get much more info at pet.freehostia.com

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to dog training that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our Training Sled Dogs website.

Dog Training - Keys To Bringing Up An Obedient Dog
By jason bb han
The tip in transforming that charming puppy into an obedient dog the whole family will love is proper dog training techniques. Like children, dogs need to know the house rules and will need to Read more...

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