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Training A Dog Not To Bite
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Dog Potty Training
By Michael Willmore

Today, on I am bringing some more updated graphic related to the dog training

Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

Potty training for your dog! Well that's something you better take care of, or you're going to regret it forever. If you have given a proper training to your dog, you can trust him to defecate or urinate only in the place you have selected for him. It could appear a little tough in the beginning and certainly frustrating when you're starting out, but patience will get the job done for you. Here are some tips on how you could go about the job.

Your dog's an animal

Remember that all said and done, your dog is an animal and that he's going to follow his animal instincts unless he's taught otherwise. Getting angry at your dog doesn't help as that is probably going to leave him confused and probably frustrated. Your dog also needs to recognize that you are the person who's calling the shots and learn to obey you always. So train your dog by teaching him. Use a mixture of rewards and punishments by all means, but let the rules of the game be clear. Also use punishments sparingly. It would help you retain the value of the punishment, which will be lost if it is too frequent. This is true not only for potty training but training your dog in general.


Your dog's food may have more to do with his potty habits than you might think. If you are feeding him with food that generates a high amount of waste you are obviously asking for trouble because then your dog's going to have to defecate more often to get rid of the higher levels of waste. What constitutes a high waste food? Foods rich in sugar or fiber content are generally low on nutrition and generate higher wastes. You should consult your vet on the diet that would be most appropriate for your dog and then follow his advice.


Habits are formed through a process of repetition. If you follow a strict schedule for feeding your dog and allowing him to relieve himself, you are inculcating a habit. Take your dog out first thing in the morning and feed him only after he has finished his "bathroom" duties.


Dogs crave for recognition. You need to praise good behavior just as you need to reprimand bad behavior at times. You can show your recognition through your tone, repetition of certain appreciative words or a pat on the back. When you are taking your dog out for relieving himself, appreciate him as you go out for choosing to urinate outside the house. Use sounds and gestures that he can become familiar with. You will find that he reacts to your gestures.


Repetition helps in training. Take your dog out the same way or to the same location every time he needs to defecate. This will reinforce the idea in his mind and make him associate the route or the location with the act of urinating. Choose a particular word to tell him to relieve himself and repeat this word when you reach the designated spot. Never mind if it takes a little time initially. You have to be patient. Repeat the word till your dog goes potty.

Recognizing behavior

Very young puppies (up to two or three months) do not have much bladder control. You cannot expect them to be able to tell you in advance that they want to go to the bathroom. You will need to be observant and catch him. You will find certain behavior patterns that he exhibits by observing him, and then learn to recognize his instincts and anticipate his actions.
Michael Willmore writes articles about pets and pet health care. He is a retired vet and owns 2 gorgeous labrador retrievers. Site: www.luvupuppies.com/breath.pl/dog-house/potty.html

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to dog training that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our Capital Dog Training website.

Learning About The Various Yoga Shoulder Stretches
By Yogi Ashanti
Yoga is comprised of a series of yoga shoulder stretches and postures that help you become more aware of your mind, body, and environment. While starting in yoga it is important that you experiment Read more...

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