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Man's Best Friend Dog Training


Dog Training Tip: Biggest Mistake Dog Owners Make
By Diane Palmer
Repeating the dog command over and over, when it is not working!You have probably done this many times yourself, or seen others do it at the dog park or on walks. You hear them Read more...


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Dog Training - Ear Infections
By John M Williams
Dog ear infections are common in dogs and other pets alike, these infections can be caused by numerous situations and causes but as your pet relies heavily on their hearing it can be extremely Read more...

5 Tips To Choose Effective Dog Training Courses
By N.Richards
It can be confusing figuring out the best way to train your dog, and there are a lot of options available. How can you decide what the best dog training courses are? There are certain things to look Read more...


Dog Training: Teaching Your Dog Obedience
By Alex de la Cruz
Perhaps obedience is the most important thing that any pet should render to its master. Dog obedience is a great thing to have. Having a defiant dog can create a lot of stress and problems for the Read more...

Dog Training Supplies: Why Its Good To Have A Good Dog Lead
By Scribbler
When you get a new dog, you will of course wish to spend time with it and even to train it. You will therefore, require the various dog training supplies that are on offer. Thankfully, there are many Read more...

Dog Training Book - Why Buy One? When Everything Is Free Online!
By Moses Chia
I’m a dog lover who believes that every dog owners should train their dogs if they truly love and care for them. Because I believe that dog training gives dogs a happier and healthier life. Not to Read more...

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Below, you'll find extensive information on leading Man's Best Friend Dog Training articles and products to help you on your way to success.

Obedience Training And Your Dog
By Jack Munday

Today, on I am bringing some more updated graphic related to the dog training

Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

Forget the old wise tail about some dogs being slow when learning obedience; most dogs are not "slow." They can learn to follow directions, perform tricks like sit, stay, and fetch, and even work at jobs, just like people. Unfortunately, they do not learn these things alone. They need your help, guidance, and patience to be successful.

Like humans, dogs have families. For dogs, these families are called packs. In a pack there is always one leader and several followers. The leader is the dog who makes the rules and watches out for others in the pack. When a dog lives in your house, your family becomes his family, or 'pack'.

It is important that you let your dog know who the leader is. If he doesn't know, he will try to become the leader. It's an instinct he's born with it to try to be a leader. When this happens, a dog may be pushy and not follow the rules. By teaching the dog obedience and giving him things to do, he will realize that a human is the leader and he will follow, instead of lead.

Training your dog is a good thing. It helps you to bond become closer with your dog. The more you train him, the more he will understand you. And the more you work and play with your dog, the more you will understand him.

In the past, dogs were bred to perform specific jobs like herd sheep, find rodents, hunt birds and mammals, and work with firemen and policemen.
But now, many dogs are left with nothing to do all day long. They can become bored and lonely. When that happens, they might chew, dig, or bark too much. Or they might sleep all day, which isn't healthy.
Taking your dog to classes, or teaching him yourself gives him something to do and helps build his confidence...and yours, too.

Another reason why obedience training is a good thing to do with your dog is that it's fun. Yes, fun! You get to take your dog out in public and meet other dogs and new friends. You both get some exercise and you can learn tricks and other things that are fun to show to your friends.
When teaching your dog obedience don't forget the most important word.

To learn more about your dog and how to cut your training time in half
Click Here
Jack Munday is a author and consultant who extensively studies subject matter for the public.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to dog training that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our Man's Best Friend Dog Training website.

Simple Nitrogen Cycle Explanation – How Waste Is Re-cycled In Your Fish Tank.
By Adrian Whittle
Anyone that keeps a Fish tank will know the importance of checking the water quality. Although the water might look clear and you can see your fish, this does not mean all is well in the tank. Unlike Read more...

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