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10 Steps In Ppc Process
By IMRI Institute
1. Set Goals for Cost per Conversion: Your PPC campaign will be profitable only if the total cost per conversion is lower than your break even point. Your goal should be to get most conversions with Read more...


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Strategies And Tips For Google Adsense
By AndreV
Adsense is beginning to make a huge impact on the affiliate marketing industry today. Because of this, weak affiliate merchants have the tendency to die faster than ever and ad networks will be Read more...

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Welcome to KEYWORDS TUTORIAL - your comprehensive buy keywords resource.

Below, you'll find extensive information on leading buy keywords articles and products to help you on your way to success.

What Does It Take To Get Consistently Great Search Results?
By Barbara Williams -
Getting onto page one of the major search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo! is the ultimate goal of any online internet marketing strategy. Getting there greatly increases the search engine visibility of the client's website. In a recent article, according to Marketing Sherpa, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is "the ultimate cost-effective, online guerrilla-marketing tactic that generally has the highest ROI of any type of Internet marketing."

The bottom line is that if you are not in the top 4-5 results on page 1 of the search engines, a client's traffic drops dramatically. The goal of an internet marketing strategy is to:

· Drive an ever increasing numbers of qualified users to the client site

· Keep the visitors from quickly bailing


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Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

Get the visitors to convert. Conversion means different things to different clients. E.g. for a B2C client offering vitamins, the conversion would be the sales of vitamins. For a B2B client it could be the capture of an identity for future dissemination and sales follow up.

There are basically just two ways to get a web site onto page one of the major search engines:

1. Sponsored links or Pay-per-click (PPC): this is basically advertising and uses the auction model where the client bids against the next business to be listed at the top of page one of the paid listings listed to the right of the organic listings. If you are lucky the ad might even appear above the natural listings.

Even if the long term goal is to get organic search results using SEO (search engine optimization) and not do advertising, a PPC campaign can help with the SEO results as there is a fast feedback on the selected key words. I.e. which keywords are converting well and which ones are not. Another piece of the puzzle is the pricing of PPC keywords-the higher a keyword is priced by the competition gives a good indication of its value.

2. Organic or natural search results using SEO. This system is a four step process:

a. Extensive keyword research and strategy development. As SEO is a mid to long term strategy, the selection of the keywords is a vital step. Many months of effort could be wasted by getting a keyword onto page one that did not convert very well.

b. Optimizing the website by rewriting the content and Meta tags using the researched keywords. Quality of the content counts!

c. Ongoing SEO actions including link building - this can be done by article marketing efforts, listing your business in directories (make sure to select directories and article marketing sites with at least a page rank of 4 and above as search engines can flag your site if you submit to poor ranked sites).

d. Keeping good metrics (stats) and adjusting the campaign as it goes along.

Since some 80% of all website traffic comes via the search engines, and most websites lose over 65% of their traffic right off the home page, it is essential to optimize your website for maximum ROI. A well executed internet marketing strategy will greatly increase the search engine visibility of a client's website.
Doug Hay is the co-founder and CEO of Expansion Plus, a leading Los Angeles interactive agency specializing in SEO, Social Media and online public relations. E+ was an early adopter of these new technologies while leveraging the principals' multi decades of experience in marketing, public relations, sales and business development. For help with your Internet marketing strategy, visit www.expansionplus.com.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to best keywords that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our buy keywords website.


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