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Choosing Dog Training Equipment
By Razak
To train your dog you need some good equipment to do it! It's easy enough to find places that sell dog training equipment these days. You can find stores in your local phonebook or on the internet. Read more...


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Obedience Training And Your Dog
By Jack Munday
Forget the old wise tail about some dogs being slow when learning obedience; most dogs are not "slow." They can learn to follow directions, perform tricks like sit, stay, and fetch, and even work at Read more...

5 Ways To Stop Your Dog Jumping
By Michael Marsden
One of the most annoying habits a dog can have is to jump on their owners, or guests, when they enter the house. Jumping is usually a sign of great excitement on the dog’s part, but it can also cause Read more...


Training Your Dog To Sit
By William McRand -
Training your dog to "sit" is probably the first thing you will train your puppy to do. I write puppy because you can start the training as soon as the puppy has settled in his new home. You might Read more...

Clicker Training Your Dog
By Jasmine Stone
If you are looking to train your dog you might consider using the 'clicker training' method, which has recently become popular amongst dog trainers all over the country. In this method the trainer Read more...

Dog Obedience Training Is Important
By Gerald Grafton
A person might think that teaching your dog obedience will be very difficult, especially if you are a first timer.You're tired of your dog misbehaving, but what do you do to get his attention? What Read more...

Welcome to DOG TRAINING - your comprehensive professional dog trainer resource.

Below, you'll find extensive information on leading professional dog trainer articles and products to help you on your way to success.

Puppy And Dog Potty Training Tips
By Michelle Spencer

Today, on I am bringing some more updated graphic related to the dog training

Mr. Robert Roger, the Designer and Editor
Robert Roger

There's quite a selection of different dog and puppy potty training techniques you can use, but they all focus on the same outcome - which is the goal of preventing accidents in your house. A technique used in the more effective house training methods is in encouraging your puppy to do his business outside of the house. Sounds obvious I know, but surprisingly few methods actually have the positive focus.

Whichever methods you decide to use, the main requirement from you is to remain patient and focused - house training a puppy or new dog takes time, and cannot be rushed.

People often feel that older dogs cannot be house broken, but his simply isn't true. Any dog at any age can be taught how to use the bathroom outside of the house. It is important that you keep your dog on a set schedule just as you would a baby. If you are trying to train a puppy then you should take the dog outside every couple of hours and definitely the first thing in the morning, after a meal and after playtime. Puppies under the age of three months are more likely to have accidents around the house because at this age the puppy is still unaware of the fact that they have to go the bathroom until they actually go.

Therefore the crate method of house training may be needed for younger dogs. This means that the dog will be confined to the crate during the times that you are unable to watch them closely to ensure that they don't have an accident in the house. Over time, the puppy is taken from the crate and left around the house because it has learned to use the bathroom outside.

However, if you find that once you have taken your dog out of the crate and they are having accidents once again, this means that you need to use the crate method for a longer period of time. The key to the crate method is that the crate should not be used a punishment. You should make the dog aware of that fact and find another of punishing the dog for any inappropriate behavior. The crate is a place to sleep, much like a den and should be treated as such.

If you have adopted an older dog and you discover that this dog has not be properly housetrained you can still use the create method. However, you must keep in mind that this dog may require a larger crate so that they can move around and sleep comfortably. Puppies need only a small space to sleep, whereas older dogs often like to move around. If by some chance your dog does have an accident in the house it is never a good idea to hit the dog on the nose or rub his or her nose in the mess on the floor. This has been found to only confuse or scare the dog. Scaring the dog is not a method that has been found to be effective when attempting to housetrain your dog.

When training your dog you should always keep the dog's food the same until you know that you can trust the dog not to do anything in the house. Changing the dog's food suddenly can have a negative effect on the dog's digestive system, sometimes causing frequent bowel movements. If you do this before the dog is fully house broken you are sure to have a few accidents in your house.
A loving and well behaved dog will make any owner proud, but unfortunately, great dogs don't usually come out of the box that way - nope, they have owners who no doubt used the top puppy training methods and took the time and energy to understand and train them using the most effective puppy training tips.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to dog training that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our professional dog trainer website.

Dog Shedding - Dog Training
By John M Williams
Dog shedding can be a big pain in some households, and depending on how disciplined you are about your dog clambering around the furniture the fur mess can be more than expected sometimes, and can Read more...

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